Piegaro, Museo del Vetro, “Una notte al Museo”

Organised by Sistema Museo and the Museo del Vetro di Piegaro, in collaboration with the Culture and Tourism Board

19 Maggio 2018 – © Copyright Porte Aperte al Trasimeno

At 8.00 pm “Una notte al Museo”:

Kids aged 6 to 10 are allowed to sleep over in the museum to discover for themselves all the secrets it safeguards.

They will be let into the secrets of how glass is made and find out all about the history of the ancient traditions, they will have lots of fun experimenting and learning as they come into contact with an environment they are not familiar with.

The young participants will get their own especially designed fun-filled guided tour and work with glass in a dedicated lab. But there is more. Armed with flashlights and sleeping bags, they will take over the museum for the entire night. And when morning comes they will get a delicious wholesome breakfast.

Info: 075.8358525 – 366 9576262

museodelvetro@comune.piegaro.pg.it  –  www.museodelvetropiegaro.it

Culture and Tourism Office 075.8358928 turismo@comune.piegaro.pg,itwww.comune.piegaro.pg.it